No more boring veggies and dip with cold and creamy Ranch Spinach Dip that replaces mayonnaise with a protein-packed secret ingredient. At first glance,...
Have dessert for breakfast with these fluffy Chocolate Pancakes! They’re chocolate chocolate chip pancakes made with rich cocoa and melty chocolate chips. Serve with...
Hash Brown Bowls are cheesy breakfast bowls made with baked eggs, shredded hash browns, and bacon. Make them for breakfast, brunch, or breakfast for...
Serve Santa these soft and chewy Gingerbread Blondies with white chocolate chips for Christmas! Spiced with warm notes of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves,...
I’m Carla, a 30-some childfree woman from Pittsburgh who’s sharing recipes for two and small batch recipes made from scratch because not everybody cooks for a crowd.