Skittles Ice Cream for #IceCreamWeek

Welcome to Day 2 of #icecreamweek ! Today is the post that started it all – where the idea #icecreamweek was born. I don’t even know how I stumbled into this conversation, but Jen and Jennie were talking about making Skittles ice cream and they asked me if I wanted to join in. If you google Skittles ice cream, you don’t see any recipes. I’m not talking vanilla ice cream with Skittles stirred in. I’m talking ice cream that tastes exactly like Skittles. The three of us set out on a mission to make Skittles Ice Cream, and mission accomplished!
As I said, we didn’t want to stir in Skittles and call it a day. No, we wanted to melt down Skittles and see what happened. They melt candy all the time on Chopped. Certainly Skittles will melt (right?). Jennie was the first one to try it, and success! You melt the Skittles in a pan with some water then once melted, strain out any pieces that didn’t quite melt. I made a basic ice cream base, vanilla but without the vanilla bean, then stirred in the melted candy and froze.

I didn’t know which flavor Skittles to use, so I used all of them. Of course I was skeptical with the flavor but I’ll tell you – it tastes EXACTLY like Skittles. You can’t describe it. It’s not like you taste cherry or lemon or lime. It tastes like, well, Skittles! And depending on how many of each color you use will determine the color of your ice cream.
My ice cream looks really soft, but I think I’m having trouble with the freezer. A few other ice cream treats came out soft that shouldn’t have, and as of Sunday night, it was at 4 degrees. Oy.

Skittles Ice Cream
Ice cream made with Skittles candy
- 1/2 cup Skittles candy
- 2 Tbsp water
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 3 egg yolks
- In a small saucepan, heat Skittles and water until melted. Set aside.
- Pour 1/2 cup cream into a medium bowl then place a strainer on top. Place bowl in an ice bath.
- In a medium saucepan, warm the milk, sugar, 1/2 cup heavy cream, and salt.
- Place egg yolks in a small bowl. Whisk in some of the warm milk mixture then pour back into the saucepan. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Pour through the strainer and stir into the cream. Pour the melted Skittles into the strainer and stir into the cream. Cool to room temperature in the ice bath.
- Chill in the refrigerator until cold then freeze either in your machine or in the freezer and whisk by hand every 30-45 minutes until frozen.
Source: Adapted from The Perfect Scoop
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What great ice cream! My niece and nephews love skittles and I am sure they would love this ice cream too.
It’s the perfect ice cream for kids!
We are the coolest bloggers in the blogosphere today, and we’re the first bloggers to attempt Skittles ice cream. That totally makes us even cooler. Your sweet treat looks amazing. I love that the bowl is resting on a stage of skittles. It’ like the skittles are bowing down to the ice cream :)
We’re setting a milestone! Go us!
We need to contact Skittles ASAP!
Happy Day #2 of #IceCreamWeek!
I tweeted them. Shall we send them a letter?
This is so cute :-)
Thanks CJ!
This really is so creative and I know my niece and nephews will absolutely love this!
Yes, this will be really popular with kids!
What a brilliant idea. Well done ladies! You’ve taken me back to my childhood.
Woohoo mission accomplished :)
Carla, you know I love everything you do, but this one just sounds… weird. Maybe it’s because I don’t like Skittles! You’re going to have to do some talking to talk me into this one! :D
Haha yea it tastes like Skittles all around, so if you don’t like Skittles to begin with, you won’t like this ice cream. Fine I’m not doing a good job talking to you into it. Shall I offer you the rest of #icecreamweek ;)
I want to taste the rainbow. But only if this ice cream is in the pot of gold.
Was thinking of trying this myself. You mention the ice cream came out soft rather than firming with freezing. I believe the softness is do to sugar sInce the Skittles are essentially sugar. Even with freezing sugar will remain liquified rather than a solidifying. I believe in orders to get a more rainbow type mix one may need to use an older homemade ice cream receipe which does not cook the ingredients prior to freezing. Some are leery of these receipts because of the raw eggs used but from my experience as the ice cream freezer is mixing and freezing the ingridients a similar process as cooking the eggs in a mix occurs. It’s only if the eggs are either left at room temperature or the the ice cream is left to liquify by melting back to room temperature that it poses a health issue. Yeah, I know the health conscience individual will disagree because bacteria is only dorment when frozen or at colder temperatures and once it is in your body it revitalizes but that study is based on an unaltered state. The salt and sugar are both used in curing meats from bacteria and I personally feel a similar process occurs when making ice cream. It is only when the ingridients such as milk and eggs are exposed to room temperature for extended time does it impose health threat due to its spoilage which attracts additional unhealthy external bacteria and microorganisms.
Actually, my freezer was acting up that week and wasn’t freezing anything colder than 5 degrees. Of course I didn’t realize that until later.
Simply genius!!!!!
When should the salt be added in? It turned out kind of weird for me. I really want to try to make it again, but I’m not sure where the salt goes in.
I love this idea, but I didn’t follow the steps exactly and it ended up tasting kind of funny. I added the skittle mixture to the heated milk and cream before the eggs. It instantly formed small curds :P
I soldiered on and added the eggs and cooked it for a bit over low heat while stirring. The curds seemed to dissolve back a bit, but it still seemed like it had a funny taste to it. Even after freezing it into ice cream. Definitely going to get the eggs in there first, but I imagine the salt might do something to help too.
You add the salt along with the sugar in step 3. Since you didn’t follow my steps exactly, I can’t help you with the last part.